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Little Learners February Nature Series
Little learners and their caregivers will discover nature and science topics together through hands-on experiences and outdoor time. You and your little learner are sure to have a wonderful time.

February 11 - Hearts at the Park
How does your heart differ from an animal's heart? Let's explore relationships in the animal kingdom and celebrate Valentine's Day with fun activities.
February 18 - Grow as We Go
Do you know how our education animal ambassadors grow and change throughout their lives? Have fun learning about their developmental milestones while comparing them to ours.
February 25 - Mini Gardens
Get your hands in the dirt and make your own mini-garden to take home. Pick out plants for sensory and health benefits. Wonder which ones we will feed to the farm rabbit?

Ages 2-5 years old (with accompanying adult)
Registration required
$15/child for the 3-week long series
For more information call (513) 867-5835 Ext. 301.

Chrisholm MetroPark: Chrisholm Picnic Shelter
2070 Woodsdale Rd
Trenton, OH 45067
Chrisholm MetroPark: CHF Augspurger House
2070 Woodsdale Rd.
Trenton, OH 45067
Program Date:
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Age Range:
Preschool Ages (3-5)
Web Address:
Program Category:
Registration required
Registration Closes:
Make your selection and then click Register
Fee per child for series - $15.00
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For offline registrations or further information please call 513-867-5835, unless another number is given in the program description.