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Nature in a Blink: Owl Prowl
Experience Nature in a Blink, a year-long series in which MetroParks offers opportunities throughout the year to appreciate fleeting natural occurrences. It's owl courting season! We'll enjoy hot chocolate and a fire while learning about the adaptations that make owls such amazing hunters. Then we'll venture out into the cold to try to find them.

All Ages
Registration required
$3/person (ages 2 and under free) For more information call (513) 867-5835 Ext. 301.

Meeting Place:
Governor Bebb - School House
Program Date:
2/7/25 (weather dependent)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Age Range:
All Ages (families, etc)
Program Category:
Registration required
Registration Closes:
Make your selection and then click Register
Fee/person (ages 2 and under free) - $3.00
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Online Registration Closed
For offline registrations or further information please call 513-867-5835, unless another number is given in the program description.